
comentarii despre hotel:
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+ comentar din Filip Janev
22.02.2023 05:45
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Feb 2023
Fel de calator(i): prieteni la concediu
It's a good hotel with a nice spa and a nice breakfast.
+ comentar din Granovskaya SVETLANA
08.03.2017 10:15
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Feb 2017
Fel de calator(i): un cuplu în vacanță
+ comentar din Munteanu-Oprea Alin
13.02.2017 12:57
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Feb 2017
Fel de calator(i): familie cu copiii
Nice and clean room; good food.
+ comentar din Nemanja Pesic
18.01.2017 01:03
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Dec 2016
Fel de calator(i): un cuplu în vacanță
+ comentar din Alexandros Triantafyllou
13.01.2017 02:42
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Ian 2017
Fel de calator(i): un cuplu în vacanță
Ç äéáìïíȚ ìïő óôï îćíïäïśćßï ìć ôçí đáńĘá ìïő Țôáí đïëę èćôéêȚ êáé Ęöőăá ìć đïëę êáëĘò ćíôőđțóćéò,
áëëÜ ćäț èá ćđéóçìÜíù ìüíï ôá äőï áńíçôéêÜ óśüëéá đïő Ęśù
(êáëïđńïáßńćôá ăéá ôçí âćëôßùóç ôïő îćíïäïśćßïő óáò):
1) Ôï Ęíá âńáäéíü ôï âńȚêáìć êÜôù ôïő ìćôńßïő (ôï ìđéöôĘêé áńêćôÜ óôćăíü êáé óêëçńü óć óçìćßï đïő äćí ôńùăüôáí) áëëÜ ôï ôćëćőôáßï ìáò ôï âńȚêáìć áńêćôÜ êáëü èá đńïôéìïęóá êáëęôćńç đïéüôçôá êáé đïóüôçôá đńùéíïę âńáäéíïę. Ôï đńùéíü Țôáí êáëü áëëÜ èá đńïôéìïęóá êáëęôćńç đïéüôçôá (őđȚńśáí ôńïöĘò đïő îáíáśńçóéìïđïéüíôïőóáí êáé ôçí ćđüìćíç ìĘńá êáé áőôü öáéíüôáí,
đ.ś. êÜđïéá êńïőáóÜí Țôáí îćńÜ).
2)Óôçí íôïőæéĘńá ôïő äùìáôßïő ìáò ćíț őđȚńść æćóôü íćńü êÜđïéćò öïńĘò êńęùíć îáöíéêÜ êáé ìćôÜ îáíáæĘóôáéíć áđüôïìá (áëëáăȚ ôçò èćńìïêńáóßáò śùńßò íá áëëÜîïőìć êÜôé ćìćßò).
Áőôü èá Țôáí êáëü íá áëëÜîćé ăéáôß ôçí đńțôç öïńÜ đáńáëßăï íá êáïęìć êáé ôï èćùńț áńêćôÜ óïâáńü êáé áíćđßôńćđôï.
+ comentar din Bekim Xhafa
03.01.2017 05:45
Data cazării: Dec 2016
Fel de calator(i): un cuplu în vacanță
29.12.2016 10:09
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Dec 2016
Fel de calator(i): familie cu copiii
+ comentar din Andreas Machuka
18.01.2016 05:09
Data cazării: Ian 2016
Fel de calator(i): prieteni la concediu
The breakfast quality needs a big improvement. If you want to put a third person in a room please change the bedding on the sofa bed so the people won't have to sleep on the floor because is better. Plus we all live in the wifi socialised world..please upgrade your wifi to a much faster network and also seems greedy if youcharge for it in the rooms. that is all thank you!!
+ comentar din Áîíśćâà
14.04.2015 02:28
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Apr 2015
Fel de calator(i): un cuplu în vacanță
Ïúđâàòà âćśćđ őđàíàòà ńâúđűè - â áóêâàëíèÿ ńìèńúë. Ńćđâèòüîđèòć áÿőà óæàńíî ïđèòćńíćíè, íî íć óńïÿőà äà íàïúëíÿò ïđàçíèòć òàâè.
Ïđćç öÿëîòî âđćìć íć äîńòèăàőà ńîëíèöè, îëèî è îöćò, ïđèáîđèòć è śèíèèòć śćńòî ńâúđűâàőà.
Âÿđíî ć, ść śàńò îò ăîńòèòć - ïđćäèìíî ìàêćäîíńêè òóđèńòè, áÿőà äîńòà àêòèâíè êîíńóìàòîđè, íî âńć ïàê ...
Ïàđíàòà áàíÿ ć śóäćńíà.
+ comentar din Xanthouleas Alexander
04.03.2015 12:48
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Feb 2015
Fel de calator(i): un cuplu în vacanță
á. Ćíț ìĘóù äéáäéêôęïő ćßść ăßíćé êńÜôçóç êáé đëçńùìȚ ăéá studio, êáôÜ ôçí Üöéîç óôï îćíïäïśćßï ìáò äüèçêć äùìÜôéï śùńßò êïőæßíá êáé śùńßò ìđáëêüíé.
â. Đáńïőóéáæüôáí đńïâëȚìáôá êáôÜ ôç đńïóđÜèćéá óęíäćóçò óôï äéáäßêôőï óôï lobby ôïő îćíïäïśćßïő (đïëę áńăȚ Ț áäőíáìßá óęíäćóçò). ÁíùôĘńù êáôÜóôáóç đńïêáëïęóć ćìöáíȚ ćêíćőńéóìü êáé óć Ęôćńïőò đćëÜôćò.
ă. Đńïôćßíćôáé ôï ski bus ôïő îćíïäïśćßïő íá ćêôćëćß äéáäńïìĘò ìĘśńé ôç đáęóç ëćéôïőńăßáò ôçò ăüíäïëáò, țóôć íá ćîőđçńćôïęíôáé üëïé ïé đćëÜôćò ôïő îćíïäïśćßïő (ç ôćëćőôáßá äéáäńïìȚ ôïő ski bus ćßíáé 17:15)
+ comentar din Granovskaia Lidiia
02.03.2015 05:06
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Feb 2015
Fel de calator(i): prieteni la concediu
Äîáđûé äćíü! Íàì âńć ïîíđàâèëîńü, êđîìć óáîđêè â íîìćđć. Ïîë è êîâđèê áûëè íć śèńòî âûìûòà. Äćëî â òîì, śòî ÿ êàæäîć óòđî äćëàț ôèçèśćńêèć óïđàæíćíèÿ íà ïîëó, íà êîâđèêć è ìíć âàæíî őîđîűàÿ óáîđêà ïîëà. Ńïàńèáî çà âîçìîæíîńòü îńòàâèòü îòçûâ.
+ comentar din Annika
01.02.2015 10:06
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Ian 2015
Fel de calator(i): prieteni la concediu
Really enjoyed my stay, the spa treatments were amazing although confused why some were in euros. The staff at reception were great and the cleaners kept our room lovely and tody. The only downfall was that we had to pay for the drinks with dinner which was a real disappointment, as we were half board I thought all of breakfast and dinner were free. We went out most nights because of this. The food was predominantly pasta based and cheap but breakfast was nice and a few delicious evening dishes.
+ comentar din Cirovic LJubisa
19.01.2015 09:29
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Ian 2015
Fel de calator(i): familie cu copiii
Zahvaljujem se na aurnosti i
poslovnost, nadam se da će ta zadrati postojeći kvalitet i standard.Hvala!
+ comentar din Lidiya Granovskaya
23.02.2014 05:11
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Feb 2014
Fel de calator(i): un cuplu în vacanță
+ comentar din Michael Ostrovsky
12.02.2014 02:27
Data cazării: Feb 2014
Fel de calator(i): familie cu copiii
Íîâûé îòćëü, óäàśíî đàńïîëîæćííûé íćäàëćêî îò ăîíäîëû. Íćïëîőîć ïèòàíèć, ïđèÿòíîć ìàëćíüêîć ëîááè, ńïà. Ïîâćäćíèć ïćđńîíàëà íć ńîîòâćòńòâóćò íèêàêèì ńòàíäàđòàì. Íèçêîć êàśćńòâî óáîđêè, ăđÿçíàÿ èëè ìîêđàÿ ïîńóäà â đćńòîđàíć.Äæàêóçè â ńïà ńòîèò 20 ëćâà çà 20 ìèíóò. Êîíöćíòđàöèÿ őëîđà â äæàêóçè ïđćâûűàćò âńć ìûńëèìûć íîđìû. Äćíüăè çà ÍĆ ïîëüçîâàíèć äæàêóçè ńëóæàùàÿ âćđíóòü îòêàçàëàńü, ńîńëàâűèńü íà òî, śòî àäìèíèńòđàöèÿ çàïđćùàćò âîçâđàűàòü äćíüăè.
+ comentar din Naumenko Oksana
23.01.2014 11:22
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Ian 2014
Fel de calator(i): familie cu copiii
+ comentar din Sergey Mukhin
08.01.2014 07:42
Data cazării: Dec 2013
В целом отель хороший, может быть нам просто не повезло. В номере,где нас поселили протекала душевая кабина, починить не смогли,поэтому переселили в другой номер, где был сломан диван!Эту проблему устраняли своими силами,потому что еще раз переселяться не хотелось.Еще один минус - отсутствуют вешалки для верхней одежды. Это большое неудобство - вещи висели на стульях. Кухня: отсутствие столовых приборов (вилок, ложек, ножей). Новогодний ужин - не выдерживает никакой критики! Мало, невкусно, оглушающая музыка. Тесно, между столами невозможно пройти. Даже обычные ужины были вкуснее, чем дорогой новогодний ужин! Плюсы: хорошее СПА, наличие паркинга, приветливый персонал.
+ comentar din Ïëàìćíà
08.01.2014 03:23
Data cazării: Dec 2013
Fel de calator(i): un cuplu în vacanță
Ćäèíńòâćíîòî äîáđî â őîòćëà ć đćńòîđàíòúò, őđàíàòà è îáńëóæâàíćòî íà śàńò îò ïćđńîíàëà. Spa öćíòúđúò ć â ìíîăî ëîűî ńúńòîÿíèć è íć áè òđÿáâàëî äà ôóíêöèîíèđà. Ăàçèű âúâ âîäà, ïëîśêèòć ńà èçïîêúđòćíè, őèăèćíà- ëîűà. Ïćđńîíàëúò íà đćöćïöèÿ ńúùî íć ć îò íàé-ëțáćçíèòć è îòçèâśèâèòć.
29.12.2013 05:04
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Dec 2013
Fel de calator(i): familie cu copiii
+ comentar din Trevor Sinclare
24.11.2009 10:26
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Mar 2007
Fel de calator(i): prieteni la concediu
A friend and myself went to bulgaria, a first for me. we booked a four star hotel, perun and it was great the spa was to die for. the food was not bad, and i'm very fussy about what i eat, and i managed to fill up every evening and at breakfast. We had a ski package as it was also my first time skiing, it included boots,ski's,lift pass and lessons for the week and i had a great time, one of the best holidays i've ever had. I made some great friends in ski school, hi if you read this see you next year. We didn't have to queue very long
for lifts, which was good. I'm glad that i am a regular at the gym as it was hard going on the legs but by day three i was raring to go. We found shopping fairly cheap the further down you walk towards the old town, a beer for 1lev. I bought my new ski boots out there for about Ł95 they would have cost close to Ł200 back home in england. the only down side to Bansko was the building work, there are lots of hotels going up so it will be very busy next year.
+ comentar din hugh o grady
08.10.2009 05:53
Hotel Perun Lodge
i have been here three times ,twice skiing and once in the summer and i could not fault it any time. highly reccommended
+ comentar din Lacey Witchwick
06.03.2009 08:12
Hotel Perun Lodge
We've been skiing for over 10 years and this has been by far the best we have had in every aspect. It really worth trying! Cheers
Lacey and Mark:)
+ comentar din Bob Harper
24.02.2008 04:49
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Feb 2008
Fel de calator(i): prieteni la concediu
We stayed at the Hotel Perun for a week in early Feb. We had reasonable hopes for the hotel and Bansko and were not disappointed in either case.
The Hotel seems quite new and has some great facilities particularly the pools (indoor, outdoor and saunas etc.). There is plenty to do at the hotel - the spa of course, but there is also a games room and a couple of bars. The rooms are spacious and the bathroom was good (with a bath - one fo the reasons we chose this hotel).
The food was fine throughout the week. Plenty of choice. Though you have to pay for drinks, they are cheap - Ł1 a beer, which is also the case elsewhere in Bankso.
The hotel is an easy walk to the slopes but there is also a bus every 15mins.
All in all I do not think there are many better places to stay in Bankso.
+ comentar din Rose Camel
18.02.2008 06:37
Data cazării: Feb 2008
Fel de calator(i): familie cu copiii
Overall we had a fab time - skiin was great but we had a real problem with major queues (2-3 hours for gondola) and bad organisation. Would not go at half term again.
The hotel good points...
Very quick check in with adjoining rooms for our family.
Great free bus service every 15 minutes to take guests to the gondola and back to the hotel after skiing.
Good ski and boot room for storing kit each night with a very helpful guy who always assisted when struggling to carry kit.
Fantastic spa area with good swimming pool, outdooor very hot pool and whirlpool bath, steam and sauna - highlight of the holiday almost.
Free robe and slippers in the room for going to the spa in.
Reasonable bar prices - cheaper than some high street bars, and comfortable couches all over the bar and reception area for big parties to relax in.
Food was not good enough, breakfast was mad and there was sometimes not enough food. I asked for more bread to make toast and was told they had no more. Constantly a 20 minute wait in a queue for pancakes or omlettes. No ordinary tea bags either although there were herbal teas.
Rooms were adequate but not luxurious
If you use the tea and coffee provided in the room you have to pay for it (I have never come across this before in a 4* hotel).
Biggest problem of all.. the breakfast doesn't start until 8:00am and the ski room doesn't open until 8:00am. Therefore in order to beat the 2 hour queue over half term at the gondola you had to miss breakfast and be first to the ski room when it opens.
They have a real thing about the towels. If you are short of a towel in your room you have to pay for it. If you take one to the pool and leave it there, you have to pay for it. There were 5 of us in 2 rooms. One day the maid left only 4 big towels we didn't make a fuss and managed with the hand towels , but we got charged for having one towel missing.
+ comentar din Rumen Nedved
09.02.2008 02:29
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Feb 2008
Fel de calator(i): prieteni la concediu
Everythink is just perfect. Staff is nice and friendly. Facilities are perfect. I felt really well there.
I like the outside whirlpool bath and the pool. Food was nice and sufficient. Try the mehana restaurant nearby.
You won't regret it.
+ comentar din Tim Lowrance
26.11.2007 07:23
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Feb 2007
Fel de calator(i): un cuplu în vacanță
We stayed at The hotel Perun in Feb 2007 and found that it was lovely hotel with everything we needed for a ski holiday.
The staff are not the most helpful. The bar area was a bit of a let down, a bit tired looking. We found the Lion Hotel over the road had a much better more modern bar area - and the drinks were cheaper too! It was a short walk to and from the chair lifts, but not out of the way. The town is undergoing plenty of building work at the moment, but
we didn't experience any noise. Its not the most pretty place in the world, but the skiing is fine for our intermediate standard. The gondola is quick and short ques for chair lifts.
+ comentar din Jenna Williams
13.03.2007 08:18
Data cazării: Feb 2007
Fel de calator(i): un cuplu în vacanță
Got to Plovdiv airport....like a old shed. transfer was fine, and we even could have a can of beer on the bus too. was pretty worried when got there cause it was so warm. Got to Perun at about 8pm, so was shattered by then, so we just had something to eat, and unpacked. The food wasnt brillant, but we werent left hungary. The breakfast was the best, omletes, pancakes with CHOCOLATE!
Right the main part...SKIING.
we got up really early the first day to get our ski stuff. we were the first ones there at 8:30, so we didnt even q for the stuff, and then didnt even q for the gonolda!! so we were pretty happy about that!!
The conditions on the first day were great, it even snowed pretty heavy in the afternoon(must admit this was the only snow fall we saw while there)
We werent to keen on the night life, every bar we went to was empty, but didnt bother me cause i went there to ski and chill out.
The hotel it self was great, the outdoor pool was great. so warm, but it made the indoor pool feel cold! the rooms were nice, even a well powerful shower!!plenty of cupboar space too.
By mid week the slopes really need some new snow, if they didnt have the snow cannons they would be stuck. we even managed to go down the ski road once, a bi icy, but we didnt it, but at the end it was JUST MUD. so u had to walk!
food on the mid station was nice, we ate at the Friends bar every day, had 2 chips and one slice of pizza for 11 lv!!so not to bad. was abit confused cause the hotel is a 4 star, but the restaurent was only a 3 star!!
we didnt have to q at all really, just a couple of miniutes here and there. the only day we had to q the longest for about 25 mins was on the way down the gonloda was on the last day!!
my partner broke his pole, so he had to pay 12 levs for that. which i though was wrong. also he ski broke too, but he just had to exchange it! i had to get new boots on the 2nd day cuase mine really hurt my left leg, so on the 2nd day i didnt ski much as it hurt to much, but the next day with new boots it was fine.
we got picked up at 1.15am, we even got given a packed lunch!we just slept on the bus to the airport, it was horrible there, only a few check in desks, so had to wait for each flight to close. once we went through check -in it was AWFUL, a big rooms with chairs, and a little shop!!!
+ comentar din Martin Johnson
03.03.2007 03:18
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Feb 2007
Fel de calator(i): prieteni la concediu
Stayed at the Hotel Perun with 2 others in the first week of Feb. Our opinion of the hotel generally was that it was very good, with an excellent choice of facilities.
A negative has to be the temperature of the hotel being a little on the hot side, however, this was quickly solved in our room by either leaving the balcony door open whilst we were there or by leaving the door in its vent position whilst we were out, and of course the radiators can be turned down.
For me it wasnt really a problem but my fellow travellers did complain about the buffet meals becoming a little samey, however, there was plenty of it!!
Bansko generally was nice, however, the slopes were a little limited. Having said this I believe the resort is very good for beginners. One of my main worries is that at the moment there is a lot of building work in progress within the resort and if all these hotels become occupied in future seasons without any expansion of the slopes you will be unable to move for crowds of people.
+ comentar din Chris White
23.01.2007 06:34
Aș recomanda unui prieten
Data cazării: Ian 2007
Fel de calator(i): un cuplu în vacanță
The room was a good size twin with a small balcony facing a part built hotel. Bathroom was good. Not many english TV channels. Walls very thin and it can be noisy at night.
The buffet was good but gets a bit boring as it's the same every night. The bar is well stocked and quite cheap (isn't everywhere in Bulgaria though!) with a giant log fire and sofas.
Great location - walkking distance from the gondola.
The staff had a reputation of being rude but they were OK considering they didn't speak much English.
The skiing was good for beginners and intermediates and the pistes were well maintainbed with snow cannons. Bansko will be great in a few years when it's less of a building site but for now it's good value and I'd recommend this hotel.
Hotels in Bansko
- Amira Boutique Hotel
- Hotel Regnum
- Kempinski Grand Arena Hotel
- Lucky Bansko hotel
- MPM Sport Hotel
- Pirin Golf Hotel & SPA
- Premier Luxury Mountain Resort
- Adeona apart hotel
- All Seasons Club
- Apart Hotel Cornelia
- Bansko SPA & Holidays Hotel
- Belvedere Holiday Club
- Bulgaria Hotel
- Casa Karina
- Complex Sunrise Park & Spa
- Complex Terra - Clădirea Principală
- Complexul Terra - Clădirea Anexă
- Elegant Lux Bansko
- Four Points by Sheraton Bansko
- Grand Hotel Bansko
- Grand Royale Apartment Complex & Spa
- Green Life Ski and SPA Resort
- Green Wood Hotel
- Guinness Hotel
- Hotel Bansko
- Hotel Chateau Bansko
- Hotel Evelina Palace
- Hotel Lion Bansko
- Hotel Murite Park - Clădirea Anexă
- Hotel Orphey
- Hotel Park Murite - Clădirea Principală
- Hotel Perun Lodge
- Hotel Pirin
- Hotel St.George Ski & Holiday
- Hotel zara
- Katarino Hotel & SPA complex
- Maraya Hotel
- Maria-Antoaneta Residence
- Molerite hotel complex
- Mountain Paradise III
- Park Hotel Gardenia
- Park Hotel Panorama
- Pirin Golf and Country Club
- Platinum Hotel and Casino
- Riverside Boutique Hotel
- Royal Park Bansko resort
- SPA Resort Saint Ivan Rilski
- SPA Resort Saint Ivan Rilski Apartments
- St. George Palace Hotel
- The Balkan Jewel resort, Trademark Collection by Wyndham
- Trinity Bansko SPA Hotel
- Vihren Royal Palace
- Winslow Infinity and Spa
- Apart Hotel Trinity Residence & SPA
- Aparthotel Orbilux
- Aparthotel Winslow Highland
- Apartment Complex Dream
- Aspen apartament house
- Aspen Resort Complex
- Boutique Hotel Famil
- Dumanov Hotel & Tavern
- Elegant Spa Hotel
- Emerald Apartment Complex
- Evergreen Aparthotel & Spa
- Gondola Apartments and Suites
- Hotel Elegant
- Hotel Friends
- Hotel Kralev Dvor
- Iceberg hotel
- Ida hotel
- Mountain Romance Apartments & SPA
- Mura hotel
- Pirina Club Hotel
- Royal Park & Spa complex apartments
- Spa Hotel Aspa Vila
- Winslow Elegance Hotel
- Belmont apart-hotel
- Katerina Hotel
- Mountview Lodge
- Pachete schi
- Hoteluri
- Aparthoteluri
- Hartă hoteluri
- Oferte
- All Inclusive
- Last minute
- Bansko
- Camera web
- Imagini
- Video
- Hartă
- Vremea
- Știri
- Transfer
- Mașină de închiriat
- Viața de noapte
- Camere web din Bansko - direct din pârtiile de schi
- Bansko webcam - Banderishka polyana
- Camera web Bansko - vârful Todorka
- Camera web Bansko schi - Shiligarnika
- Camera web Bansko - Platoto
- Bansko ski webcam - Chalin valog
- Camera web din Bansko - Gondola lift
Evenimente viitoare in Bansko
Oferte in Bansko
- Doar cazare
- Cazare și mic dejun
- Demipensiune
- Pensiune completă
- All Inclusive Light
- All inclusive
- Ultra All inclusive
Noutăți din Bansko
